Hey look a fourth post! & no traffic! haha!! This is fun.I called in to work this morning, this cold is beating me up. Tomorrow my day is already fully booked and I will be working by myself, so I thought since I was feeling really crappy I would use a sick day. I hope I feel a little bit better tomorrow morning, so that my day isn't too crazy.
Since my house is clean, my hubby is gone, my dogs have been walked and it is still early! I am going to entertain myself via the magic land of the internet & lurk some blogs that I enjoy! AND make myself an egg sammi for breakfast, & maybe a second cup of that nice green/jasmine tea I just drank.
The life & times or a normal person! haha! Exciting right?
So this blog entry will act as my formal introduction.
*My name is Shara! I am a 25 year old girl from Ontario, Canada. I work full time as a photographer for a local studio, which I also manage. I do various other photography jobs as well, but the studio is my steady day job, which I happen to LOVE.
*I live in a wonderful house, close to downtown, with the love of my life Joshua! Everything with Josh started when I was about 17. He is one persistent dude. We have now been engaged for about 6 months of our relationship. We plan to wed in September 2012. Since that is a distant date, you will be reading more and more about my plans for the big she-bang.
*We have four little babies here as well; two cats-Sukura (or Suki for short) and Magellan (aka bikini man, since he is all black, but has these
hilarious triangular white spots-two across his chest, and one below the belt.). As well as our two dogs-Scully (yep, named after Dana Scully..she is the all black/brindle) and Dude (after a Jeff Bridges character we adore...the first picture, pooch with white).
*When I am not working, I love pursuing my own photography adventures for fun! I take a LOT of pictures.
*I love my long board. When the weather permits, Josh and I frequent the trails around here and there happens to be an old road (used as a connection between towns in war time) that has been paved and is used as a trail throughout the whole city.
*I love a good hot beverage...tea and coffee are my biggest vice(s).
*I like to read! I am in the middle of a great novel called Return of the Quetzacoatl by Daniel Pinchback. I love graphic novels more than anything and you can find me downtown at the comic shop on most of my days off. Jeff Lemiere is the most amazing author. I also REALLY love the work of Ashley Wood!! The Maxx RULES.
*I collect Star Wars memorabilia, because I am cool like that yo. I have a ton of goodies and am not ashamed of my insane NERDiness. I've got replica helmets & sabers, toys, blankets, clothes...etc. etc.
*I love when I emberass boys with a higher head shot count.
*My favorite food would have to be
sandwiches. Which I know sounds pretty vague, but stuff it between bread and I am there. Pancakes are a close second.
*I don't smoke cigarettes. I don't drink too much, but I will have a beer or two when I feel like it!
*I love to sew, paint and draw...and am not too good at any of them! ha.
*I have three sisters and a brother who rock the show. I also have three nephews who I love with all my heart! My mom & dad were never married, so I get a pretty kick ass step mum with the whole package too.
*I am fairly anti-social. Not on purpose, but again, I am boring and I stand out...we can just leave it at that! I do have a few people that I cherish! One being my best lady from high school, Krystal. We have been friends for years, she is my main girl. Or just my main partner in crime, in general!
*I like try to be a doting house wife. As silly as it sounds, there is this immense feeling of satisfaction knowing the one I love the most is taken care of :) Josh is the chef in our house! If I am cooking us a meal, it is because I have the day off work and am home before him. Which is seldom. He usually takes over or has it covered before I can even blink. He is awesome like that! Our friends love to come over for dinner, as much as possible, just to enjoy his crazy creations! For example, a whole chicken stuffed with a seasoned pork loin, seasoned under the skin of the chicken and then wrapped in bacon. SO. SO. SO. GOOD.
*I like to dabble in music. I say dabble, because I wouldn't really call myself a musician yet. I have been graciously accepted into From Lambs to Lions as their bassist. I play a little bit of piano and guitar too. My bass was a gift this past Christmas from Josh and I love it! He is for sure the master musician in this house! He is incredible.
*My favorite band is called Lucero. They are nothing like the rest of the music I listen to!
*I love tattoos, and have lots.
*I like educational programming, but have not had cable since I was 17! I am never know what is new, or on television on a daily basis, so I can not be included on such discussions. We do watch A LOT of movies though!
My favorite movies are; Episodes 4, 5 & 6 of Star Wars, The Big Lebowski, the Chumscrubber..and way more than I can think of right now! We are into Ricky Gervais at the moment, so we just finished the whole BBC Office series and are moving onto Extras, then we will watch the Ricky Gervais Show. Score for box sets :)
*I am happy with simplicity. The sun coming through the windows in the morning. The kettle going off. The warmth of my blanket. The insane amount of attention from my guy. My sleepy little puppies. Purring kittehs.
I know I am different, and stating a few facts off the top of my head, won't give too much away. You will just have to get to know me to understand :)
Everything about every day life makes me so in love.
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