Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sweet start..

La la la! Another blogging adventure!


Because sometimes, not everyone wants to hear about my day...& regardless, I want to talk about it.

Right now; I am sitting on my couch, in my new house with three little (silly) dogs play fighting beside me. We have one pup left from my dog Scully's litter & I am, unfortunately, growing attached to the little man. I just got in from a meeting at work (where my boss, who knows I am working Christmas eve, also asked if I could work boxing day..hurray!).

I've had a wonderful day.

A simple and satisfying kind of day.

I woke up this morning next to the most amazing man. We drank coffee and talked, before he headed off to his daily grind. Then I hopped on the city bus in the snowy afternoon. I was just thinking, how beautiful the first weeks of winter are. How beautiful, & how much I appreciate, the bright sun. Maybe it was the Fleet Foxes I was listening to that really made me smile, or maybe it was my warm wooly mittens or my bright pink mug full of hot jo (or perhaps the realization-that I was going to work, but didn't actually have to do any work!! haha). The snow is crunchy under my big black boots, and though my nose is a little cold, I felt very happy just going outside for a little bit.

Again, I am not too sure why I felt it neccessary to start this bloggy thingy...but I guess it's because...the things that make me happy (& I mean, really, gut wrenchingly happy) are the things that bore most people. Don't get me wrong, I live with the person I love & I have a very good friend (or two) that are willing to listen to me every day...but here, I can say whatever I want & whenever I want! & if anyone ever actually decides to read anything I may type, is doing so because they want to...not because they have to!

So! Here it is. My first entry.

My name is Shara.
I am a happy girl who has finally grown into her awkward self.

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